EVENT 2022.03.10
Tip Sharing Event

Greetings, Admiral.


Upload and share your tips, guides, or walkthroughs on Discord.
We will give out rewards to Admirals with the best tips!


◆ Event Schedule
From 3/10/2022 08:00 AM, until 3/23/2022 23:59 (UTC)


◆ Details
- Upload your tips, guides, or walkthroughs to the "Tips " channel in our Discord.

- ☞ Go Discord channel 


◆ Event Reward
- Top 5 tips with the most positive reactions: R Tier Captain Piece Mystery Box x 5EA, 100 Captain EXP x 5EA
- 10 random selections: N Tier Captain Piece Mystery Box x 5EA
- Top 3 tips chosen by ROS: 500 Admiral EXP x 5EA, Premium Transit Ticket x 5EA


※ Participants cannot be selected for multiple reward categories.
※ Reward is given only once for each account.


Thank you.