NOTICE 2022.05.27
Additional Details Regarding Sector Integration (Modified)

Greetings, Admiral.


We have a few more additional details to share
regarding the previously announced Sector Integration in Galaxies 1 to 4.


Please refer to the details below.


※ Go to the Galaxies 1-4 Sector Integration announcement


■ Base Relocation
 - Bases will be randomly relocated in the Sector integration.
 - You must reconnect to the game for your base to show up on the field.
※ Make sure to reconnect after the integration.


■ Council Conquest
  - The Council Conquest schedule will be adjusted to begin on June 4 or June 11, at 01:00 UTC.
  You can check the remaining building time from your Sector's Council.


■ Ranking 
 - The ranking gets calculated again with the data from the existing Sector
 - However, you must perform an action that counts for the ranking to get updated on the ranking list.


■ Alliance
 - When the alliance modules are retrieved, the resources stored in the alliance depot will be reset.
 ※ Make sure to collect your stored resources before the integration.


■ Mail
 - All mail and rewards will be reset, except for the rewards in the Mail > Notice tab.


■ Field Activities
 - All activities on the field (mining resources, etc.) before the Sector integration will be retrieved.


■ Module Activities
 - All module activities (module upgrades, research, etc.) before the Sector integration will be maintained.


■ Base Buff
 - Base Buffs activated before the integration will be deactivated (Shield, Anti-Scout, False Info)
※ Shields may still appear as being active for as long as the duration,
 but they will count as inactive, and you must use a Shield again to stay protected.


Thank you.