EVENT 2022.06.09
Find the Different Warship Event

Greetings, Admiral.


Code red!

T9 Galahad defense ships somehow ended up in the fleet of T10 Amadeus defense ships that just deployed!
Count how many Galahads are hiding between the fleet of deployed Amadeus ships!
Rewards will be given to all Galaxies, based on how many users get the count exactly right!


◆ Event Schedule
 - 6/9/2022 05:00 - 6/23/2022 23:59 (UTC)


◆ How to Participate
 - Find all the different warships within the image uploaded on the "find-the-warships" channel on our Discord.
 - Vote the number you counted.


◆ Event Rewards
 - 10 or more votes for the answer: [Safe Resource] 1,000 Mineral, 1,000 Metal
 - 50 or more votes for the answer: [Safe Resource] 10,000 Mineral, 10,000 Metal
 - 100 or more votes for the answer: [Safe Resource] 50,000 Mineral, 50,000 Metal, 4,800 Trion Gas


※ An account may receive one reward only.
※ All Galaxies will receive rewards based on how many users vote for the correct answer.


Thank you.